Detailed Lesson Plan of Subject Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of the English language that every writer and speaker must be familiar with. It involves ensuring that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in terms of number, tense, and person. When this is not done correctly, it can lead to confusion and make the sentence difficult to understand.

To help students grasp this concept fully, teachers often develop a detailed lesson plan of subject-verb agreement. Here`s an overview of what such a lesson plan entails.

Lesson Objective:

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to use correct subject-verb agreement consistently in their writing and speaking.


Before the lesson begins, teachers should prepare the necessary materials, including a detailed lesson plan, textbooks, worksheets, and examples of sentences that illustrate different forms of subject-verb agreement.


The teacher starts by introducing the concept of subject-verb agreement, explaining how it affects the clarity of a sentence. They then provide some examples of sentences with correct and incorrect subject-verb agreement, allowing students to identify the differences. This gives the students a clear understanding of what they will be learning.

Teaching Strategy:

To teach this concept effectively, teachers use a variety of strategies, which include:

1. Identifying the subject and verb: Students learn to identify the subject and verb in a sentence, which is essential in determining the correct agreement.

2. Understanding singular and plural subjects: Teachers explain the difference between singular and plural subjects and how they affect the choice of verbs.

3. Considering tense and person: Students learn to consider tense and person when matching the subject and verb in a sentence.

4. Using examples: Teachers provide a variety of examples of sentences with different forms of subject-verb agreement, allowing students to practice and apply what they have learned.

5. Group work: Students can work in groups to analyze sentences for subject-verb agreement, discuss the correct forms, and present their findings to the class.

6. Worksheets and quizzes: Teachers can also provide worksheets and quizzes for students to practice and test their knowledge.


Once the students have understood the concept of subject-verb agreement, the teacher concludes the lesson by reviewing what they have learned, answering any questions, and providing feedback on their progress.

In conclusion, a detailed lesson plan on subject-verb agreement is crucial for students to master this important concept. By providing a clear understanding of how to match the subject and verb in a sentence, students can write and speak more effectively, which will benefit them in their academic and professional endeavors.